GRS Donation Opportunities
Gaston Residential Services, Inc. (GRS) is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Donations are vital to our ability to support persons with disabilities so that they may lead full and valued lives in their community.
While Medicaid funding is vital to GRS’ mission and provides for the general welfare of the individuals we serve, what makes a meaningful life goes beyond just the necessities. A full life includes having opportunities for fun, fellowship and community. Our goal is to provide that full and meaningful life for the people we serve, throughout their lifetime. Your generous donations help us achieve that goal.
No contribution is too small, and your donation may be tax deductible.
Please consider making a donation today; it is very much appreciated!
The Todd Bradshaw Fund:

Provides resources for therapeutic activities such as equine therapy, aquatics therapy, music therapy, massage therapy and recreation therapy. Funding is also provided for the enhanced needs of persons with dementia including specialized training for staff, therapeutic equipment, and/or enhancements to staff supports.
In Memory of Todd Bradshaw, who GRS was honored to serve 1991-2022
The Brandon Towery Gift Fund

Provides Christmas and holiday gifts and birthday gifts to individuals served by GRS who often have no family. In addition, it provides funds for participation in vacation trips as well as for necessities such as clothing and shoes throughout the year. This fund is used to foster a well-rounded full life by providing resources for a variety of community activities such as concerts, plays, and special events.
In memory of Brandon Towery, who GRS was honored to serve 2004-2018
The Frank Browne General Fund

Supports the overall mission of GRS in providing the best quality of life for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injury through quality homes, quality staff, and quality supports array. Any donations not otherwise designated are added to this fund.
In memory of Frank Browne, who GRS was honored to serve 1983-2012

The Hartness Fund
Provides funds for individuals served by GRS to obtain medical and dental services not covered by Medicaid or Medicare. This fund has been used to purchase dentures, glasses, orthotic braces, and specialized food products.
The Brice Fund
Supports the needs of individual’s served by GRS through funding specialized equipment, home modification, adapted vehicles or vehicle modification, and end of life costs such as funeral expenses and preneed burials for those without families or resources.
Click below to donate online or mail your donation to:
Gaston Residential Services
905 A North New Hope Road
Gastonia, NC 28054